Sunday, February 27, 2011

Please Help.

The state tests are coming up in two weeks. We had our last round of "benchmark" tests a few weeks ago, and I found out that my students are averaging 59% as a class. I have two weeks to review everything we've learned this year. Even though I hold lunch and afterschool tutorials, I can't wrap my head around how I'm going to get them all to pass.

The teacher that some of my kids came to me from was Baltimore City's Teacher of the Year last year. He got 100% of his students to pass the MSA, and over the course of this year I've seen a number of those students fall lower and lower. Not to mention, the scores on the three benchmarks we've taken this year have steadily decreased. Apparently, the more I teach, the less they know.

I know that these tests don't mean everything. But, it's hard to not deeply question myself when these numbers are staring me in the face. I feel like I'm failing these kids.

And I thought I'd be a good teacher...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The Maryland State Assessments are coming up in two weeks, and everyone is freaking out.

I think standardized tests are stupid (but I do believe they can be useful in some ways), but I am glad that they don't look anything like this.

"Eventually You Stop Caring."

I was in the copy room the other day with another teacher. We started making small talk, and I found out that she'd been teaching for five years. I told her about how it's tough figuring out ways to reach and teach every child. She told me that it's tough to feel that way your first year, but that I shouldn't worry. "Eventually," she said, "you'll just stop caring and it'll be a lot easier."

Slap me if I ever say that.