Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm a Cheater.

As testing as it can be sometimes to have to work with a co-teacher that I don't agree with a lot of the time, I am extremely grateful because it lessens the load on me. I already find it difficult to teach half the day, and the couple of times where I needed to cover the whole day, I felt extremely incapable.

I came across this little article the other day, and it really makes a lot of sense to me. A lot of my TFA friends are struggling just as much or more than I do because they are getting thrown into elementary school classes and are being expected to actually teach for 6, 7 hours on their own. My hat is tipped to all of them because I couldn't do it.

So thank you, co-teacher. Thank you, buffer zone. And to all of the first year teachers who are really doing it all: you are so brave.

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